Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cool Service: Streamload

I recently discovered Streamload, which gives you 25GB free online storage! You can back-up/store any files you like. You can then download the files when and where you want. Far better than storing them in your Gmail account :)

File emailing

Instead of emailing large files and clogging office email systems, Streamload allows you to upload the file to their system and it then sends a link to the recpients. Very nice for those large 5MB attachments. This is a free service.

File Sharing

You can even share selected files with anyone you like. For example, I can upload a presentation to streamload and then email a link to those I want to share it with; or I can post the link here on my blog and users can download the presentation.
Checkout this WorldCup 06 file I've uploaded and am sharing - click here.

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