Friday, June 23, 2006

Mumbai rudest?

Mumbai Skyline
Originally uploaded by shivampancholi.
A recent survey shows mumbai to be the world's rudest city. Why? because unlike other cities Mumbai is not trained to say pseudo Thank Yous; and not trained to hold doors open.

The survey was carried out by 2000 journalists, who obviously have more book knowledge than a connection with themselves.

Mumbai isn't clean, or slick, or 1st world; but Mumbai is easily one of the most pleasant & safe cities to live in. Ask any woman who lives in Mumbai and she will immediately tell you "I love how safe I feel here". The ultimate test: "feelings", not actions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Ray, when you say
"...Mumbai is easily one of the most pleasant & safe cities to live in. Ask any woman who lives in Mumbai and she will immediately tell you "I love how safe I feel here"

Have visited Mumbai (I prefer Bombay, thank you very much) off and on and lived there for about a year and totally love the place. Miss it like hell too, but that's besides the point.
I've never once felt unsafe while returning home alone late at night.
Never been felt up when in the men's compartment of the local trains, though I believe some women have had it tough. (Must be my looks - no one in his right mind would want to mess with anyone who looks remotely like Jackie Chan's sister!) ;)
Talking of looks, have not had comments passed on my ethnicity either. Have had enough of that when in Gujarat or Delhi, though.
Just wanted to add my piece...