Friday, August 18, 2006

No. 1 Failure

This is so funny and many will claim true:


type in failure

hit search

see the 1st result


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

31 Best Business Ideas

Business 2.0 is carrying a great article on 31 best business ideas for today.

Read the full article here

The best business ideas in the world

1. Send your best talent into the field in search of promising new ideas.

2. There's little U.S. consumers won't leave home for if the price is right.

3. Meet very basic customer needs with a radical new design.

4. Look for novel ways to breathe new life into mature categories.

5. Turn your shortcomings into a killer product idea.

6. Services that once required face time can be profitably handled online.

7. Find a desirable Third World niche product and industrialize it.

8. Test tech in markets where adoption is advanced, then bring it back to the States.

9. You don't have to run a global company from a major city; sometimes, in fact, it's better not to.

10. Even the oldest, most entrenched companies must continually evolve.

11. Success really can be a matter of inspiration and perspiration.

12. To catalyze radical change in a large organization, start small.

13. Take aim at new customers by making utilitarian products stylish.

14. Don't underestimate the profit potential of fun.

15. Use cheap guerrilla tactics to launch a company.

16. Create ways to allow more of your workers' personal lives inside company boundaries.

17. Solve a "last mile" problem with cheap hardware.

18. Attack local markets that big companies can't reach.

19. Sell services that piggyback on a booming retail trend.

20. Find yet-to-be-exploited niches in the global commodities boom.

21. Utilize the incentives that reform-minded governments offer to foreign investors.

22. Give customers their own virtual space, and then charge them to decorate and customize it.

23. When importing a product from overseas, be ruthless about cutting features that won't translate well to your domestic market.

24. If you want younger customers, forget advertising: Offer enough cool features that they'll do your marketing for you.

25. When starting a business, listen to your heart, not your bankers.

26. If your domestic market is small, go global in pursuit of investors as well as customers.

27. When economic factors spur demand, look to the past for ideas that were ahead of their time.

28. Striking design can offset objections to large-scale industrial projects.

29. Online businesses can easily - and cheaply - target international markets from anywhere.

30. Build employee loyalty with best-in-class perks and funky frills.

31. Tap into new markets created by today's sky-high oil prices.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

INR slides 13% to the Euro since Feb

Going largely unnoticed in India is the constant and steep slide of the Indian Rupee. This is because the Dollar is the base currency against which the Rupee is watched and that shows a slide of only about 6% in 6 months.

However, the Dollar itself has been slipping, losing as much as 9% to the Euro & the Swiss Franc, so when the Rupee is checked against these currencies the true picture emerges: I'm poorer by 13% in 6 months!

Even when you check the Rupee against a "local" currency like the Thai Bhat, the Rupee has lost 9% in 6 months.

There appears to be no sign of this slide slowing down. The steep downward seems to be driven by India's huge import bill for oil and exports not keeping pace. Liberlisation has also opened up India to large scale imports of both capital goods and consumer goods, but has not had the same effects of exports. Very Dangerours.

On the other hand interest rates have gone through the roof; bankers claim there is no liquidity in the market due to steep government borrowing. Housing interest rates are at 11.5% and rising ever month.

So are we heading for a slow down? Sure looks like. The good news is that it's unlikely to be a crash. There are definite fundamentals like better infrastructure, better administration, more employment, better distribution of wealth and more FDI, so these will keep us above water. But those of you who are making streched investments in India, be careful, you might lose heavily.